
(OB) The Right Image - Requesting Photo Library Sharing

The right image makes all the difference
No one knows your product as well as you do. Help us present your experience the best way possible by sharing your images with us. We will then select the images that we know work on our site.

Share your image library with us by sending to

You can choose the images to use, or we can work through the best images for the site. We will resize or crop any images required for the site from those you provide to us. 

When selecting images, ask yourself, would this image make me choose this experience? If the answer is no, keep looking. 

We are looking for the following when we choose the images for your experiences. 

A sense of what to expect

Show your unique selling points

The right resolution

We are looking for images that show our customers what to expect on the day.

eg. A cooking class - images of people in the class, the equipment they use, the ingredients, not just images of plates of food

What is it that makes you you? 
How can we best highlight what makes you the right choice to make? 
It may be your staff having fun, it may be a unique location you visit. 

Images must be 1200x800.

Try BeFunky to resize your images. 

We will not use blurry, colour saturated, photoshopped, or watermarked images on the site. 

Why the right images are important

The right images take a product from 

← This 

Wrong vessel, sunset images, wrong experience


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